At its July 13 meeting, Richland County Commissioners heard a presentation by Emergency Management Agency Director Mike Bailey about agency efforts to obtain a mobile satellite trailer.

Such a trailer could, in case of an emergency, be used to provide a 1,000 foot radiation wi-fi hotspot for 30 simultaneous users. Currently, only three others exist in Ohio – two in Columbus and one in Henry County; the hope is to place the fourth here.

Efforts have been underway to obtain such a trailer for a year and a half, Bailey explained, which will come at no cost to the county. The state Emergency Management Agency will service the trailer and provide oil changes, with storage at the Madison Township Fire Department. The county’s responsibilities would be to house and test the trailer on a regular basis.

Commissioners asked several questions related to the proposal, and related to storage, responsibilities, risk of loss, and the ability of terminating the agreement with the state should the storage not prove advantageous to the county.

The proposal has now been forwarded to the Richland County Prosecutor’s Office for approval.

Source: Richland County Commissioners

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