The Ohio Department of Transportation’s regional headquarters in Ashland has announced its 2017 Construction Program. And, while roundabouts will be coming this year to north central Ohio, none are currently scheduled to make a Richland County appearance.

Altogether, there are 81 total projects scheduled, 70 of them completely new this year. Total investment in the area of District 3 will be over $170 million.

Richland County will be seeing a comparable amount of road work this year compared to other counties. That work includes the following in-county projects:

  • Noise wall along I-71 southbound, south of US30
  • Bridge replacement in the following areas: Union St/Moffet Rd: south of Pleasant St in Lucas; Shauck Rd: north of Iberia-Bellville Rd; Millsboro West Rd: east of Horning Rd
  • Chip seal/resurfacing From the Knox County line to US 42 (Resurfacing within the Village of Lexington)
  • Bridge replacement CR 48 AKA Millsboro West Road between Bowers Rd and Rudy Rd
  • Resurfacing in various locations on SR 97
  • Reactive maintenance for the ramps at the I-71 & US 30 interchange and spot repairs on US 30 in the City of Mansfield
  • Culvert replacement along US 30: at Laver Rd; SR 309: between All American Dr. and Earick Rd.

District-wide projects involving Richland County are as follows:

  • Loop detector repair, tree pruning and brush removal, chip sealing, guardrail work, pavement marking, raised pavement markers, smooth seal, and micosurfacing – all along varions routes and sections throughout District Three
  • Mowing — routes within Ashland, Crawford, Richland, and Wayne Counties
  • Culvert replacement in carious locations in Crawford, Lorain, Medina, Richland and Wayne Counties
  • Signs along various routes in Ashland, Richland and Wayne Counties
  • Chip sealing on SR 98 from US 30 to Dickson Rd; SR 96 from the City of Shelby to SR 13

For more information, including dates of work, cost, and how traffic will be impacted,  the complete program guide can be found at this location online.

Photo: Creative Commons License

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