By 1812Blockhouse
In a social media post on Wednesday morning, Bellville Police Chief Ron Willey announced his retirement from that position effective July 31.
In the post on the Bellville Police Department Facebook Page, Willey shared:
“After a lot of soul searching, talking with family and close friends, I have come to the difficult decision to close this chapter of my life and retire from the Bellville Police Department, effective July 31, 2023.
I have served this community for the past 38 years and I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to have served this village in this capacity for the last 22 ½ years as Chief of Police. I would also like to thank all of the citizens for their support I have received during this tenure. I have worked for several Mayors, Council Members, Administrators and with fellow Employees over the years. Through it all, I have always felt the support of the community and am proud to have been given this opportunity.
There is nothing like the Valley and it is home. There are so many memories I will treasure from working and growing up here. Many lifelong friends have been made.
I leave behind a very capable staff, who will continue to serve this community at the levels you expect and need, as well as leading this community into the future.
Once again, I give you a heartfelt Thank You for allowing me to fulfill my career in such an awesome community.”