By 1812Blockhouse

The Ohio State University Board of Trustees convened for their August meeting, taking  actions which included naming key spaces on the OSU Mansfield campus and appointing a new executive vice president. Here’s a detailed look at the key highlights.

Executive Leadership Appointment: Peter Mohler

The Board of Trustees appointed Peter Mohler as the executive vice president of research, innovation, and knowledge. Mohler, who had served as the interim leader since March, has been instrumental in the university’s growth.

Under Mohler’s leadership, annual research and development expenditures increased by double digits in fiscal year 2022, setting a new university record. His appointment is seen as a strategic move to continue the university’s upward trajectory in research and innovation.

Authorization of Construction and Professional Service Contracts

The board authorized the university to enter into or increase professional service and construction contracts for several key projects. These projects are expected to enhance the university’s infrastructure and contribute to its academic excellence:

  • Battery Cell Research and Demonstration Center: Professional services contracts totaling $2.4 million, funded by university and federal grant funds.
  • Airport, Taxiway A Rehabilitation: Professional and construction services contracts totaling $4.5 million, funded by grant and partner funds.
  • Department of Economics Relocation: Professional and construction services contracts totaling $1.8 million, funded by university funds.
  • Waterman, Multi-Species Animal Learning Center: Professional and construction services contracts totaling $48.9 million, funded by university debt, university funds, fundraising, and state funds.

Academic Advancements: New Doctorate Approved

The Trustees approved the establishment of a doctor of education in teaching and learning degree with a specialization in practitioner inquiry of equity-based advocacy in the College of Education and Human Ecology. This new degree program reflects the university’s commitment to advancing education and promoting equity in the field.

Naming of University Spaces and Other Personnel Actions

The board approved the naming of two significant spaces on the OSU Mansfield campus:

  • The Richland County Foundation Smart Manufacturing Lab (room 232) in Conard Hall.
  • The Charter Next Generation Films PLC Lab (room 233) in Conard Hall.

These namings recognize the contributions and partnerships that have supported the university’s mission.

In addition to these actions, the board also approved various personnel actions, further solidifying the university’s commitment to excellence in all areas.

Source: OSU; Photo: 1812Blockhouse

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