Mansfield City Schools has begun development of a strategic plan, a five-year road map to achieve specific district goals and objectives.

The process began earlier this month when the Board of Education and district administrators met with Dr. Bobby Moore, founder of EPiC Impact Education Group, who will lead the process toward debuting the completed plan in August.

“When I addressed our teachers and administrators at our opening staff convocation last month I urged them to be sure that they have a solid educational blueprint, a plan that will guide their instruction in the year ahead,” said Superintendent Stan Jefferson. “On a larger scale, a strategic plan will be a blueprint for our district to follow toward greater success on a wide range of topics, including steadily improving academic achievement, conducive learning environments in every building and the most efficient use of facilities.”

Dr. Moore, a former superintendent who has 25 years in education, said elements of the plan will be developed in stages and will include staff and community forums to hear ideas and suggestions.

During an initial conversation on Sept. 10, Moore asked board members to describe what they would include in a future perspective of the district.

  • Judy Forney: “Continued improvement on our state report card and improved facilities.”
  • Sheryl Weber: “Families returning to the district and having all students college and career ready.”
  • Chris Elswick: “A good report card and facilities. Turning out adults who can contribute to society.”
  • Gary Feagin: “At least a C on the state report card by 2023. An improved graduation rate and improved facilities.”
  • Renda Cline: “I would like to see us be the (area) district of choice, and growth in Mansfield as a result of our school district. A major piece is: Where do our parents fit in?”

Jefferson said the district must develop career pathways from which every child can choose.

Working with Dr. Moore will be EPiC educational consultant Doug Carpenter, who served 26 years as the superintendent of Jonathan Alder Local Schools and three years with the Ohio Department of Education.

Dr. Moore’s future meetings with the board will be publicized in advance, Jefferson said, as well as opportunities for public input as the plan is developed.

Photo: Dr. Bobby Moore addresses the board of education about the process of creating a district strategic plan. Seated near Moore is his associate, Doug Carpenter.

Source, Photo: Mansfield City Schools

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