The just-published list of Richland County road projects from the ODOT District Three office includes new work on US30 and State Route 39, as well as an update on ongoing work on State Route 97. Projects include:

State Route 97 ***UPDATE***

SR 97, at its interchange with Interstate 71, will have two narrowed lanes of traffic in each direction. Crews will begin working on the berm, adjusting castings, and corrective work on SR 611. Traffic will be maintained by flaggers. Please use caution while navigating through work zones. The project is expected to be complete July 2017.

US Route 30 ***NEW***

US 30 westbound, just outside of the city of Mansfield on the 5th Ave. off ramp, is closed for culvert replacement. This is an emergency project that began Tuesday, June 13 when a storm released inches of rain over a very short period of time. Crews will begin repairing the collapsed pipe and pavement washout. The project is expected to be completed July 2017.

State Route 39 ***NEW***

SR 39, just east of Michael Dawn St., will close Monday, June 19 for a culvert replacement. The detour route for eastbound motorist is SR 39 to SR 430, east on SR 430 to SR 603, south on SR 603 to SR 39, and reverse for westbound motorists. The detour for northbound traffic on I-71 to SR 39 is to continue on I-71 to US 30, east on US 30 to SR 603, south on SR 603 back to SR 39. Southbound traffic on I-71 going to SR 39 is to use the US 30 exit, go east on US 30 to SR 603, and south on SR 603 to SR 39. The road is expected to reopen June 2017.

State Route 545

SR 545, between Crall Rd. and Richland-Shale Rd., will be reduced to one lane of traffic as needed for pavement resurfacing. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be complete June 2017.

State Route 546

SR 546, from the Knox County line to the City of Lexington, will have intermittent lane closures as crews begin work as part of a chip and seal resurfacing project. Traffic will be maintained with flaggers as needed. The project is expected to be complete by October 2017.

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