The second regular monthly meeting of the Mansfield City Council will be held this coming Tuesday at 7:30 PM in Council Chambers.
The following legislation is included on the current agenda (subject to amendment at the meeting):
First readings of the following:
- Final 2017 appropriations ordinance
- Ordinance authorizing a contract for replacement of the Mansfield Municipal Building elevator system at a cost not exceeding $900,000, and another to authorize the issuance of bonds for the project expense
- Ordinance authorizing a contract for park planning
- Ordinance accepting the donation of two drinking fountains from Richland Public Health, to be placed at North Lake and Johns Parks
Third Reading of the ordinance which would allow chickens to be kept on residential properties under three acres
- Honoring Lieutenant Douglas A. Seman on his retirement from the Mansfield Division of Police
- Opposing the passage of House Bill 53, which deals with collective bargaining laws and rights in Ohio