By 1812Blockhouse, AI
At tonight’s meeting of Mansfield City Council, another consideration of proposed water rate changes will take place.
The measure would amend Section 941.08 (Water Charges) of the Mansfield Codified Ordinance of 1997, with a focus on modifying the rate structure and increasing water rates. It was tabled in January, despite City Engineer Bob Bianchi stating that each month delaying the increase would cost the city over $280,000 in revenue.
The first consideration for the water rate increase took place back in December.
Also being considered:
A measure to express support for Ohio’s application to receive funding from the Corridor Identification Program.
An ordinance authorizing the Interim Safety-Service Director to accept and appropriate grant funding from the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS) under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, in the amount of $21,000 for the Mansfield Police Department Violence Reduction Program and $173,000 for the same program, both with emergency declarations.
A measure to adjust appropriations in the amount of $1,335 in the form of a transfer within the General Fund for an equipment upgrade to ensure private and secure executive sessions via Zoom.
An ordinance authorizing the Interim Safety-Service Director to trade-in covert operation equipment without competitive bidding for the METRICH Enforcement Unit.
An ordinance authorizing the Public Works Director to execute a contract with 12 Point Consulting, LLC, for Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) Class IV Water Supply certified operation services at the Water Treatment Plant.
Lastly, a measure to authorize the Public Works Director to enter into a contract for architectural and engineering services relating to the Mansfield Municipal Building.
Image by Katja Just from Pixabay