By 1812Blockhouse

The end of the Christmas and New Year’s holiday COVID-19 infection watch is within sight, and local numbers reported Monday by Richland Public Health do show a continued rise in cases.

The statistics are sobering and key numbers have reached record levels, with infection totals increasing by over 75& in the last month. On December 7, the total number of confirmed and probable cases stood at 4,627; it is now at 8,386.

Assuming that each person would become infected only once, the number of cumulative cases would now represent approximately 6.7% of county residents.

For Richland County:

  • Confirmed Cases — 6,483
  • Probable Cases — 1,903
  • Total Cases — 8,386
  • Cases With Recoveries — 4,397
  • Hospitalizations — 454
  • ICU Admissions — N/A
  • Deaths — 99
  • Age Range — 3 weeks to 102 years with a median age of 46

Across Ohio, numbers currently stand as follows:

  • Confirmed Cases — 696,826
  • Probable Cases — 88,131
  • Total Cases — 784,957
  • Cases With Recoveries — 639,080
  • Hospitalizations —41,377
  • ICU Admissions —6,188
  • Deaths — 9,702
  • Age Range — Less than one to 111 with a median age of 43

The next scheduled local update is set for this Friday.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

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