Mansfield City Schools Superintendent Stan Jefferson will be a guest at this month’s African American Leadership Initiative (AALI) Social. The event will be held on July 26 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the North End Community Improvement Collaborative.
Stan Jefferson is a former Mansfield Senior High administrator, social studies teacher, head Tyger football coach, and proud Tyger. He also served on The Ohio State University football coaching staff from 2004 to 2017.
Jefferson served as Mansfield Senior High assistant principal from 1997 to 2003 before becoming principal during the 2003-2004 school year. He was hired as Mansfield City Schools superintendent on May 28 and officially begins his tenure on August 1.
Jefferson’s goal as superintendent is to encourage and lift up our children in the district. He is a firm believer that the children in the community will be the pilot of change in our district.
This is the perfect opportunity for community members to network, socialize, and get to know our new superintendent in an informal setting, so make sure to join us for this month’s edition of AALI Social. The North End Community Improvement Collaborative is located at 134 N Main St.
While AALI Social used to be a paid event, the decision has been made to to make it free. However, donations and other community contributions are highly appreciated and necessary in order to continue these events in the future. Refreshments will be provided.
Registration is required and can be done here.
Source, Photo: NECIC