Glimpses of fall color are becoming more common around the state as Ohio’s trees begin their colorful transformation, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR).

“We are entering prime viewing season as autumn’s spectacular colors come into focus,” said ODNR Fall Color Forester Jamie Regula. “Now is the perfect time to plan your fall adventure with our state’s beautiful scenic leaves as the backdrop.”

Although the season is just beginning, fall color begins in the north and works its way south. Trees near bodies of water also tend to change first. For the best chance of seeing color this weekend, head towards your favorite northern Ohio state park, forest, preserve, or wildlife area.

True fall color is brought on by the shortening of the days, which triggers trees to prepare for colder weather. Tree species showing their fall colors now include black walnuts, buckeyes, black locusts, and cottonwoods.

If a tree is showing fall hues in late summer, it is likely stressed, which can happen for several reasons including insects, disease, or not growing in its preferred conditions. It is also common to see trees in urban settings change color early due to stress. Causes include heat (due to the urban heat island effect where pavement radiates and reflects the sun’s rays), poor quality or lack of soil volume, root compaction, and too much or too little water.

Those interested in finding the most eye-catching leaves throughout the season should check out ODNR’s fall color website, the official guide to the changing colors. The website includes:

  • Weekly color updates and information to help plan a fall color adventure;
  • Ideas for scenic road trips;
  • Unique overnight accommodations at Ohio State Parks; and
  • Fun activities to do around the state.

ODNR and Ohio.Find It Here. encourage people to share fall color photos using #FallinOhio and #OhioFindItHere. For more fall color photos, follow ODNR, Ohio State Parks and Ohio. Find It Here. on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @ohiodnr, @OHStateParks and @Ohio.FindItHere.

Souirce: ODNR

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