By 1812Blockhouse

The desire to look back and remember, and to look forward and celebrate, is a part of Grace Episcopal Church in Mansfield as its 175th anniversary commemoration continues.

This weekend, that takes the form of a Choral Evensong service to be held at the church, 41 Bowman Street.

Evensong is a church service traditionally held near sunset focused on singing psalms and other biblical canticles, and is part of Episcopal and Anglican choral tradition.  In origin, it is identical to the canonical hour of vespers, and its name comes from the Old English word oefensang, meaning vespers.

True to its name, it will begin at the church this Sunday, March 20 at 4:00 P.M., and will be performed by members of the Grace Church and St. Peter’s Catholic Church choirs.

Grace Church’s 175th celebration began this past October with a Celebration of Holy Eucharist with the Revered Mark Hollingsworth, Jr., Bishop of Ohio. It has continued with food, fun, and remembering. One recent event allowed attendees to gain information about the church buidling’s remarkable collection of stained glass windows.

Below you will find the Landmarks of Mansfield post highlighting the history of Grace Episcopal Church.

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