The season of sun is upon us, and Mansfield area residents are going on the road. While many are experiencing local attractions, some are taking longer trips to visit sights in Ohio and further afield. With this in mind, 1812Blockhouse is sharing a series we’re calling “Summer Road Trips” in which highlight unique events and locations within an easy day’s reach of Richland County.

Festivities abound over the next several days all across Ohio, including in nearby Ashland.

There, for 27 years, hot air balloons have filled the sky in the event known as Balloonfest. Flying balloons are joined by other activities, including Balloon Grow, Balloon races, stage performances, sporting tournaments, displays, exhibits, food, and much more.

The event is centered on ground which is easily accessible from Mansfield. Take US42/Ashland Road into the city, and turn north on State Route 511. The actual address for GPS/smartphone purposes is 1256 Center Street. Parking is $6. General admission is free, although there is an admission price for the Balloon Glow Encounter, where visitors can gain access to the launch ground itself.

Typically, some 20 to 30 balloons participate in the event with a record number of 39 balloons flying in 2005. Most popular are the shaped balloons, which have included Santa Claus, Red Dragon, the Purple People Eater, the American flag, a pink monster truck, and Gordo the Monkey.

While Balloonfest kicks off at 4:00 PM this evening, the official opening ceremonies take place at 6:15 PM at the Main Stage. A Balloon Glow will take place this evening as well as on Friday and Saturday.

For a complete list of events, use the Facebook link below.

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