By 1812Blockhouse
Traditionally held the first weekend of May, which happily coincides with RichHistory Weekend, the Ohio Civil War Show is returning to the Richland County Fairgrounds this year.
The 2021 edition will be held on Saturday, May 1 from 9 AM to 5 PM, and again on Sunday, May 2 from 9 AM to 3 PM.
The Show features collectibles, demonstrations, living history, and more. It is ideal for serious collectors of military materials, historical reenactors, hobbyists, or anyone else interested in learning more about this important period of US history.
One highlight is cannon firing demonstrations each day that really make some noise — as well as ongoing Civil War, World War I, and World War II encampments.
Period music will be heard with the 73 OVI Regimental Band and the Camp Chase Fife & Drum Corps. On Sunday morning, a period church service with feature singing and period string music. And don’t miss the surgeon’s tent with leg amputations!
Demonstrations will use the following schedule:
- Revolutionary War and Civil War infantry demonstration — Saturday 11:30 and 2 PM; Sunday 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM
- 30th US Infantry Division, 100th Jagar German unit, and World War II small arms demonstration — Saturday 4:30 PM
- Civil War Hospital scenario performed by the Society of Civil War Surgeons — Saturday 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM; Sunday 10:30 AM and 1 PM
- Camp Chase Fife & Drum Corps Presentation — Saturday 9”30 AM, 1 PM, and 4 PM
- President Lincoln (Gerald Payne) delivers the Gettysburg Address — Saturday and Sunday at noon
- Sunday Church Service — 10 AM
COVID-19 regulations, posted here, will be enforced.
The Camp Chase Fife & Drum Corps can be seen in the video below.
Source, Photo: Ohio Civil War Show