In October 2016, 1812Blockhouse focused one of the first posts in our “Landmarks of Mansfield” series on the Farmers Bank Building on Park Avenue West.
That post can be read at this location online.
Now, Indiana University’s “Images Collections Online” has posted a vintage photograph of the same building as a part of its “Indiana Limestone Photograph Collection.” Additional information about the building is included, such as the specific type of limestone facing that was used — noting that it was variegated (exhibiting variations in color) and “select gray.”According to the website, “A previously unknown collection of over 25,000 black and white architectural photographs were discovered in a dilapidated house owned by the Indiana Limestone Company in Bedford, Indiana. These images of residences, churches, universities, museums, businesses, and public and municipal buildings, many of which were designed by prominent architects, document the use of Indiana limestone throughout the United States from the late 1800s to mid-1900s.”
Other Mansfield images in the collection show vintage views of the Ohio Brass Company Administration Building, the Mansfield Telephone Building, Park Avenue Baptist Church, and the G.M. Gerhart residence.
The Farmers Bank Building photograph is remarkable and clear. Taken from the southeast, it is easy to see how the structure transformed the city when it was erected in 1928.
Click here to view the University of Indiana photograph, and be sure to click on the image for a larger view.