The Ohio 2010 team of the Kennedy Center’s Partners in Education network is developing a group of professional artists who are available for paid residencies, earning up to $500/week, and additional paid consulting opportunities with local schools. Artists interested in becoming a teaching artist with the Mansfield Partners in Education program must complete a year-long required training, available locally, meeting approximately six days between September 2017-June 2018. Training cost is $150, and a limited amount of financial assistance is available.
Guidelines for participation:
- Attend introductory workshop and overview to becoming a teaching artist (September 2017).
- Attend at least three arts integration workshops presented by the Ohio 2010 team (Mansfield, Ohio). Professional development workshops offered by other teams within the Partners in Education network, such as Ohio 2016 (Wooster) or Ohio 1996 (Springfield) may be substituted with prior verification. See attached schedule for current workshop dates.
- Observe at least two teaching artists in demonstration teaching during the school day. Participants must observe at least two demonstration teaching sessions by each teaching artist. See attached schedule for current observation opportunities.
- Attend Kennedy Center Teaching Artist Training, Focus #1: The Definition of Arts Integration (June 2018 in Mansfield, OH).
Potential participants must be practicing professional artists in any medium, willing to learn how to work directly with teachers and students to integrate their art form with the academic curriculum. They must also be available to attend workshops/observations outlined in the guidelines for participation, as well as be punctual, reliable, and disciplined individuals.
Interested individuals should visit for full details, application requirements and contact information.