NCSC has again benefitted from the Choose Ohio First program in the form of scholarship funds. The institution has been awarded $198,392 in funding from the Ohio Board of Regents.

The focus of the scholarship funds will be for so-called STEMM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine) for the 2017-2018 school year.

At NCSC, this will mean grant dollars for students in seven areas of study: bioscience, information technology, engineering tdchnolgy, visiual communicaitons, multimedia technology, nursing, and Associate of Secience degrees for science and mathematics.

Greg Timberlake, Academic Dean said, “In a nuthshell… a student attenting full time could receive [up to] $1500 each semester which is a big scholarship. These dollars will help a lot of students here at the college.”

To be eligible to receive an award for Fall Semester, students must complete the application process by July 1. Those students applying for the majors listed above will be considered for these new scholarships.


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