A young Mansfield woman is among winners of scholarships from the Ohio EPA, according to a press release issued by the agency Thursday.
Ohio EPA is awarding $30,000 in scholarships to 12 environmental science and engineering students attending Ohio’s colleges and universities. Each student will receive $2,500 from Ohio’s Environmental Education Fund.
“These scholarships will allow some very accomplished students to complete their degrees and join the ranks of scientists dedicated to understanding and enhancing the environment,” said Ohio EPA Director Craig W. Butler.
Scholarship winners include:
Kateline Peck, Austinburg – Majoring in Biology and Environmental Science at Heidelberg University
Victoria Roeder, North Olmsted – Majoring in Zoology at The Ohio State University (OSU)
Andrew Shea, Medina – Majoring in Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS) and Philosophy at OSU
Mitchell Dever, Ashland – Majoring in Environmental Science and Biology at Ashland University
Emily Smith, Mansfield – Majoring in Environmental Biology at Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Erin Graves, Bowling Green – Majoring in Geology and Environmental Science at Miami University
Tara Lay, Cincinnati – Majoring in Environmental Studies at the University of Cincinnati
Margaret Maloney, Dayton – Majoring in Environmental Biology at the University of Dayton
Rosa Tweed, West Milton – Majoring in Biological Sciences at Wright State University
Mathias Wagner, Cincinnati – Majoring in Evolution and Ecology at OSU
Chelsea Steffes, Moon Twp., PA – Majoring in Environmental Science and Economics at Wittenberg University
Levon Bajakian, Ringwood, NJ – Majoring in Environmental Science at OSU
This year’s recipients have completed research or environmental work experience with projects focusing on:
- Testing lead levels in the soil of community gardens
- Storm water management plans for new campus buildings
- Zooplankton diversity in storm water retention ponds
- Impact of invasive plants on salamander populations in headwater streams
- Coastal communities’ resilience to natural hazards
- Designing a sling for injured birds at wildlife rehabilitation facilities
- Cleanup and restoration of property damage from fire, mold, and sewage overflows
- Surveys of consumer behavioral response to recycling incentives
- Coral adaptation to elevations in temperature and pH
- Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on aquatic organisms
Since 2000, $817,450 has been awarded to 332 students at 46 Ohio colleges and universities. Funding comes from civil penalties collected by Ohio EPA for violations of air and water pollution control laws. The scholarship program is administered by the Ohio Academy of Science.
The next application deadline for scholarships is April 15, 2018. Additional information is available by calling Ohio EPA’s Office of Environmental Education at (614) 644-2873 or visiting www.epa.ohio.gov/oee. To learn more about the Ohio Academy of Science, call (614) 488-2228 or visit www.OHIOSCI.org.