This Wednesday, the Madison Local Schools Board of Education will meet to consider several personnel issues as well as a number of Superintendent Recommendations.
Those Recommendations include the following:
- Approval of the Parent/Student Handbooks for the 2017/2018 school year.
- Approval of the student fee structure for the 2017/2018 school year.
- Approval for the High School overnight trip for the BPA National Conference in Orlando, Florida from May 10 — 14 paid for with Career Tech funds.
- Approval of the Adult Career Center contract with Care Coordination Systems LLC to deliver curriculum for the Community Healthcare Worker Training for $18,750.00 in FY 2017.
- Approval of the Madison Middle School 8th grade overnight trip to Washington D.C. May 16 — 18, 2018.
- Elimination of a Special Education 1-1 aide position at Madison Comprehensive Hi Board of Education approve the purchase of Dell Computers for the Diversified Health Occupations program at Madison Comprehensive High School for the amount of $21,953.60 for FY 2017. Paid for through Career Tech weighted funds.