By 1812Blockhouse
This season has been an up and down one for COVID cases detected in and reported by Richland County school districts and buildings.
There’s some good news, however, in this last reporting date before some localities begin the winter break – after a week where reported cases quadrupled, this week they have fallen from a total of 251 to a total of 98.
The number of reporting locations also dropped this week, from 15 districts and buildings to 12.
This is, of course, in inverse ratio to the rise of infections in the general population. This post will be updated on Friday afternoon with to-be-released infection numbers from Richland Public Health.
Schools/buildings reporting COVID cases for the week ending Thursday were:
- Clear Fork – 5 students, 7 staff
- Cypress High School 2 students
- Foundation Academy 3 students, 1 staff
- Lucas 6 students
- Madison 18 students, 6 staff
- Mansfield Christian 1 student
- Mansfield City 16 students, 4 staff
- Pioneer 14 students, 1 staff
- Plymouth-Shiloh 2 students, 1 staff
- Shelby 8 students, 1 staff
- St. Mary 1 student
- Richland School of Academic Arts 1 student