A presentation about Springmill STEM Elementary School and four administrative job descriptions will be on the agenda Tuesday evening, May 16, when the Mansfield City Schools Board of Education meets in regular monthly session.

The 5:30 PM meeting will be at the Raemelton administration building, 856 West Cook Road.

Springmill STEM Elementary recently was designated as one of only 42 STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) schools in the state by the Ohio Department of Education.

The school, located in the Springmill Learning Center at 1200 Nestor Drive, opened in August with two kindergarten classes. Two first-grade classes will be added for 2017-18 and another grade each year until it is a K-3 school.

The board also will review four administrative job descriptions:

  • Director of School Improvement
  • Campus Director: Grades 7-12
  • Chief Academic Officer
  • Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Communication

The complete agenda is accessible on the district web site, tygerpride.com, by clicking on the board of education link at the upper left then on “this month’s agenda” on the board page.

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