This month, several merchants will participate, and the event will include live music, live art, dancing, ice cream, and more!

Over the past few years Downtown Mansfield has seen significant growth in retail and development and First Friday Shop Hop is the perfect opportunity to find your favorite new spot. The September First Friday Shop Hop will feature:

~Habitat for Humanity of Richland and Crawford Counties Restore will host a flash sale.
~Little Buckeye Children’s Museum will offer half priced admission and a Prince & Princess evening.
~Main Street Books will host a Shawshank book talk with author Mark Dawidziak.
~Mind Body Align will host a drum circle in the garden at The Butterfly House.
~Phoenix Brewing Company will offer live music by Tom’s Kitchen Table.
~Richland Academy of the Arts will offer a free OSU Salsa class and live entertainment.
~Richland Bank will host Where’s Rascal at Relax It’s Just Coffee and offer $2 off a beverage per person.
~Richland Carrousel Park will be offering 5 rides for $2.
~Tara’s Floral will host a Sidewalk Acoustic Jam.
~The Chill will offer a Buckeye Sundae.

First Friday Shop Hop is free and open to the public! For additional and up to the minute information follow Downtown Mansfield, Inc. on, email at [email protected] or call 419-522-0099.

Downtown Mansfield Incorporated’s mission is to stimulate economic development, improve the appearance and create a positive image of the downtown as a desirable place to work, live, shop and invest.

Photo: Creative Commons License

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