On Thursday, the City Engineer’s Office of the City of Mansfield announced that beginning May 15, 2017, a section of Trimble Road between Cook Road and Marion Avenue will be closed to all traffic for 45 consecutive calendar days.

Access to Ashland University and the VA Clinic from Trimble Road will be maintained and remain open. Cook Road and Marion Avenue intersections will remain open. Motorists are urged to follow the posted detour route, using Park Avenue West and Lexington Avenue.

Although inconvenient, this temporary closure will be outweighed by the positive outcome of the project.

The purpose of this project is four-fold:

  • Provide safer intersections at Cook Road and Marion Avenue
  • Increase capacity and facilitate ongoing economic development
  • Provide congestion relief
  • Promote active transportation via a newly installed multi-use path

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, Trimble Road will be re-opened to traffic on June 29. The entire project is expected to be completed by September.

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