The Ohio National Guard has launched an updated OHIOcares website, with psychological health and other wellness resources for current and former Ohio National Guard members and their Families.

The website includes a comprehensive listing of behavioral health resources in all the Ohio counties, substance abuse prevention links, suicide prevention resources and contacts for employment consultations.

OHIOcares also provides a non-crisis line — 1-800-761-0868 — staffed by mental health clinicians, who provide callers assistance with behavioral health needs as well as community links. The team of clinicians is available to provide short-term skill building coaching and referrals for counseling.

“Our focus is to provide easy access to care with the click of a button,” said Colin Fowler, Ohio Army National Guard psychological health coordinator. “The OHIOcares website encourages early access to care so that individual or Family stressors and traumatic events do not snowball into larger problems that may seem insurmountable.”

The website also has resources for commanders, who play an important role in the health and safety of Ohio National Guard members.

OHIOcares started in 2005 as a collaboration of state and local agencies to support the behavioral health of returning veterans, current active National Guard members and their Families. In addition to the Ohio National Guard, the founding agencies are City of Columbus Veterans Affairs, Department of Veteran Affairs, Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities, Ohio Council of Behavioral Healthcare Providers and Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

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