Would you like to go back to school this fall, just for the day? If so, there’s an opportunity to take a course in something appropriate for the season.
The event is a two-part course in paranormal investigating, Ghost Hunting 101 at the Ohio State Reformatory.
Join noted researcher Sherri Brake on November 18 for a daytime two hour seminar, beginning at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM, followed later the same evening at 7:00 PM for a special ghost hunt guided by Sherri.
Participants will:
- Receive hands-on experience with professional-grade ghost hunting equipment.
- Understand the paranormal field and its vocabulary
- Learn a basic history of OSR from the Civil War to the present
- Sharpen investigating and documentation skills
- Learn types and levels of paranormal activity
- Communicate with entities, learn electronic voice phenomena (EVP) and how to capture them
- Learn how to capture physical evidence through photos and videos of activity
- Learn how to take the best paranormal photos
- Learn to investigate using paranormal protocol
The cost is $115 per person. Those attending must be aged 13 and older (children must have adult/parent participation). For more information on Sherri, visit her website here.
Tickets may be purchased at this location online (scroll down the page and click on “Book A Class”).
Photo: Creative Commons License