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The Mansfield Art Sector of the Richland Community Development Group is working on two public art projects and pursuing a new logo. The Mansfield Art Sector is leading a public art project as part of the Mansfield Rising Plan which was created in 2018 by a citizen-led group funded by the Richland County Foundation.
Area artists are encouraged to participate in this transformative and revitalizing effort to beautify downtown Mansfield through art. Artists can submit up to 10 pieces of a visual arts portfolio. New portfolios and projects will be reviewed by a committee at the beginning of each month.
The Artist Application for the Mansfield Rising Plan: Public Art Initiative can be found here.
Twenty-seven local artists have been approved thus far to submit designs for public art projects. Those artists are: Ashlea Schneider, Caleb Jeremiah Carpenter, Brandon Doup, Terry Fairchild, Brad Gray, Emma McLaughlin, Chloe Jackson, Luke Beekman, Samantha Schneider, Susan Duncan Gentille, Kirstie Wilson, Rachel Justice, Maureen Collins, Margaret P Freed, Crystal Stokes, Linda McKenna, Lee Mora, Erica Russell, Allison W Pence, Sam Neer, Diane Googins, Nathan Gukich, Rafael Serrano, Ray Baughman, Demetrius Howell, Bird Foust, & Robin Shoup.
Matching funds from the Foundation are available to create murals, temporary artwork, wallscapes, window painting, rainworks, and more. Projects will be displayed within the area from First to Fifth streets and from Adams to Bowman streets. Businesses and organizations outside that area can contribute to and collaborate on downtown art projects.
The first public art project is a continuation of Art in the Park with two additional seasons sponsored by Mansfield Murals Inc. The project was initiated and maintained by volunteers.
The first call for artists is to create art that will celebrate the ‘Performing Arts in Mansfield’. Artworks can include local venues, musicians, actors, singers, songwriters, poets, writers, and dancers. Artists are encouraged to research references and get connected with local performing artists and arts venues. The second season of Art in the Park will feature ‘Wintertime in Mansfield’.
Located in Central Park, the project consists of eight double-sided frames containing artwork reproduced in vinyl and mounted with sign springs. Selected artwork should be dropped off at the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce, 55 North Mulberry Street. It will be photographed for reproduction by Mankind Murals Inc. The deadline to submit artwork for consideration is May 24. The art will be displayed from June through late summer.
The Mansfield Art Sector also wants to create a new logo. Artists, graphic designers, and marketing professionals interested in the opportunity should apply here.
The Mansfield Art Sector’s mission is to support local artists and the arts by advocating for artistic and cultural endeavors in Mansfield and the surrounding community. If you would like to make a gift through Richland Gives click here.
Photos: Mansfield Art Sector