A meaningful activity and community service for inmates at the Mansfield Correctional institution has expanded its scope.
Sargeant Ruby Waltz began having offenders in her GP Unit making holiday cards to be distributed to the pediatric ward at a local hospital and the Dayspring Assisted Living Center.
Walth recently transferred to the LPH Unit and incorporated the making of the greeting cards by the LPH inmates. Tue supplies are provided by the Recreation Department, Library, and from Dayspring.
The program has been well received by the inmate participants, who have provided 552 cards to date to MedCentral Hospital, and 120 cards to Dayspring. All of the cards have been delivered by Sargeant Waltz.
The plan is to expand the program to include the making of “get well” cards along with cards for both Valentine’s Day and Easter.
Source and Photo: State of Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction