The Mansfield site of the Kennedy Center’s Partners in Education program will offer an arts integration professional development workshop for teachers on Thursday, November 9. Randy Barron, a Kennedy Center Teaching Artist since 1995, will lead the workshop. For over thirty years, he has designed and led arts-integrated residencies for students, as well as over two hundred professional development workshops for teachers across thirty-six states. Mr. Barron’s Scientific Thought in Motion workshop guides teachers through the translation of basic concepts in science into meaningful, self-assessing movement activities that put abstract ideas into tangible, visible form.

Other topics include an easy-to-duplicate lesson plan, which draw upon students’ kinesthetic, visual, and musical intelligence to increase their achievement in science and strengthen their repertoire of learning and social skills. This professional development workshop is geared towards educators and administrators who are interested in using the arts as a teaching tool for common core subjects, and will be most beneficial for teachers of grades 3-12.
The workshop will take place at the Renaissance Theatre from 4:30-7:30 PM on November 9 and dinner is included. Participants will receive up to three contact hours for professional development credit. There is no fee to attend, thanks to the generous sponsorship of Charles P. Hahn of Cleveland Financial Group and additional support from the Ohio Arts Council. Registration for the educator workshop is available online at
Mansfield was selected in 2010 to join the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in its Partners in Education program. Mansfield is one of 96 sites across the country in the program. For more information on these or other Renaissance Education programs, contact the Renaissance Education Department at 419-522-2726 ext. 251 or visit
Source, Photo: Renaissance Performing Arts Association