By: 1812Blockhouse Staff

Mansfield City Council voted on Tuesday night to move forward with a $478,000 project to install sidewalks along East Cook Road.

In specific, Council’s Streets Committee discussed and full Council approved authorization for the City to enter into a Local Public Agency Project Agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation to fund and construct the project.

According to City Engineer Robert Bianchi, this would install a five foot sidewalk on both sides along East Cook Road west of Brookfield Drive at a location where a gap currently exists. Of the project, $392.000 would be funded through the grant from the Regional Planning Commission.

The City’s share would be $86,000, with that amount coming from the permission sales tax fund, and not the general fund. These are dedicated monies, meaning that they cannot be used for other purposes.

The measure was brought to Council now because enough money is on hand to proceed. The design would begin soon and take approximately nine months, so construction would take place next year.

The project will open up apartment complex residents to go to Circle K and Family Dollar.

The legislation to proceed passed unanimously when considered by the entire Council.

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