Tuesday evening’s meeting of Mansfield City Council will see a slightly reduced number of legislative measures for consideration. Those on the agenda include the following, among others:
- Third reading of an ordinance Changing conditional zoning requirements to match recent revisions to the Ohio Revised Code
- First reading of an ordinance vacating a portion of Blymyer Avenue from First Street to 20 feet north of First Street
- First reading of an ordinance vacating an alley between Vale Avenue and Springmill Street
- Settling a claim with a resident for $500 relating to damage to a vehicle caused by “an accident with a City vehicle”
- Settling a claim with a resident for $100 relating to damage to a doors during a properly executed search warrant
- Various personnel and financial measures
- Consideration in caucus on the acceptance of a $10,000 grant from the Ohio Supreme Court for updating the Mansfield Municiapal Court’s case management software