Now that the matter of chickens has been put to rest, the first regular monthly April meeting of Mansfield City Council this Tuesday evening will feature important but slightly less colorful fare. Items to be considered, either via caucus or an actual reading, include the following pieces of legislation, among others:

  • A contract with Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton for park planning at a cost up to $58,000.
  • Declaring remains of buildings at 150 South Franklin and 514 Woodland to be beyond repair and a nuisance and directing their demolition.
  • Authorizing the Mayor to submit an action plan concerning proposed uses for 2017 CDBG funds and for Home Investment Partnership Program funds.
  • Accpeting the donation of ADA compliant sinks and toilets for Johns Park from Mansfield Plumbing.
  • Accpeting a $36,000 National Police Athletic League Mentoring sub-grant to be used by the Mansfield Police Athletic League.
  • Accepting a $60,000 sub-grant from the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services for a portion of the cost of a Family Violence Liason Officer.
  • A proposed change to City ordinances dealing with home occupations.

The Council meeting itself will begin at 7:30 PM in Council Chambers inside the Mansfield Municipal Building.

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