As part of its 2017 Street Resurfacing Program, the City of Mansfield has announced that Kokosing Construction Co., the contractor for the 2017 Street Resurfacing Program, will be performing milling work on the following streets over the coming days:

  • Bennington Drive from Middle Bellville Road to Middle Bellville Road
  • Broken Oak Court from South End to Pheasant Trail
  • Camden Court from Bennington Drive to South End
  • Karlson Drive from Middle Bellville Road to Dougwood Drive
  • Newport Court from Bennington Drive to West End
  • Riva Ridge Drive from 390’ N of York St. W. to  360’ S of Red Oak Trail
  • Sandy Court from South End to Sautter Drive
  • Saratoga Court from Bennington Drive to South End
  • Sautter Drive from 790 Sautter Drive to Red Oak Drive
  • Sawtooth Place from South End to Straub Road
  • Straub Road from 50’ W of Rippling Brook to 65’ E of Sawtooth Place
  • Trenton Drive from Bennington Drive to East End
  • Vincennes Court from Bennington Drive to South End
  • Whitehall Court from West End to Riva Ridge Drive

Motorists are urged to use caution when driving in the construction areas.

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