It looks likely that soon you will not only be able to check out books from your Richland County library, but be able to check out a way to get those books home.
Back in March, we shared a post which included a simple question from the Mansfield/Richland County Public Library: Would you be interested in checking out bicycles from your local library?
Included was a link to a survey designed to allow you to answer that question. Now, several months later, the survey results are in from some 440 respondents.
Answering the question above, 68% indicated an interest in checking out bicycles from their local library, with a full 50% saying that they were very interested in doing so.
Additional information from the survey can be reviewed at this location on the Library’s website. Also included are the answers to several questions and concerns raised by respondents, including the funding mechanism for the program; details of how bikes would be rented; and how the rentals fit with the overall purpose of the MRCPL.
In answering the last question, the page states, “In our opinion, the next evolution of libraries is, in part, offering access to health and wellness information, health education or health and wellness training and tools.”