More than 1,000 acres of quality deer hunting land will be available this coming season to archers as part of controlled hunts at Caesar Creek, Deer Creek, Findley, Malabar Farm, and Maumee Bay state parks, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR).

Hunters must be present at the drawing location if they are interested in hunting.

Information about the drawings and hunts:

Antlerless deer harvested in these controlled hunts will not count against a hunter’s statewide, county or public land bag limit.

  • All drawings except Maumee Bay will begin at 8 AM on Saturday, September 21. Maumee Bay will be drawn on Wednesday, September 25 at 6 PM.
  • All hunts are archery only.
  • Names will be randomly drawn and those selected will be assigned a location to hunt in the park.
  • Hunters will be permitted to hunt with a partner. The partner is not required to attend the drawing but must be named prior to the start of the hunt.
  • Selected hunters will be eligible to hunt their assigned location for two-week increments.
  • Hunters must possess a valid 2019-2020 hunting license and a valid deer permit to hunt in the park.
  • Antlerless deer harvested in these controlled hunts will not count against a hunter’s statewide, county or public land bag limit.

Drawing locations include the Malabar Farm State Park Office, 4050 Bromfield Road in Lucas. Contact Jenny Roar at (419) 892-2784 or [email protected] for more information.

For more information about hunting seasons and regulations, call 800-WILDLIFE or visit

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