The Richland Academy of the Arts presents “A Night at the Academy,” on Saturday, March 11 beginning at 5:30 PM to benefit its scholarship program which awards $25,000 annually to provide quality arts education opportunities to students.
This event will feature:
- Buffet Dinner Catered by The Vault Wine Bar
- Open Bar
- Live Entertainment
- Live Auction
- Silent Auction
Ticket and table reservations may be obtained at the following rates:
- $45/Individual Ticket $85/ Two Tickets
- $160/ Table of 4 $300/ Table of 8
To make your reservation text ‘academy’ to 855-735-BIDR (2437) Or Call 419-522-8224.
What impact will funds raised from this event have? $250 will allow a student to participate in visual arts classes for 1 year, $600 will allow a student to participate in a 30 minute private music lesson once a week for 1 year, and $1,000 will allow a student to participate in 2.5 hours of dance class each week for 1 year.
Generous support for this evening is provided by: WOB Accountants and Advisors, Hamilton Insurance, MG Energy, Floral Gardens Florists, Haring Jewelers, and Zara Construction Inc.