Richland Gives, the annual fundraising effort for dozens of area non-profits in conjunction with the Richland County Foundation, showed one thing clearly during its 12 hour run on Tuesday:

The Mansfield and Richland County community is alive, well, and cares about its future.

According to its website, the official total at the end of the day reflected a staggering $163,046 generated from 472 donors and 743 total donations.

The top three vote-getters in the two primary categories at the end of the 12 hours were as follows:

For organizations with budgets over $250,000:

  1. Friendly House – 47 donors donated $7,810
  2. North Central State College Foundation – 36 donors donated $6,475
  3. Downtown Mansfield, Inc. – 37 donors donated $4,480

For smaller organizations:

  1. Little Buckeye Children’s Museum – 34 donors donated $10,139
  2. Taking Root Farms – 36 donors donated $5,215
  3. North Central Ohio Land Conservancy – 24 donors donated $4,745

The tallies will be updated online as additional gifts are made; as of Wednesday morning, the total exceeded $172,000. A list of all donation recipients can be found here on the Richland Gives website.

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