Following the success of its first auction in nearly 20 years in February, the Ohio Division of Unclaimed Funds will hold another auction of safe deposit box items on May 4 – 5.

The auction will start at 9:00 AM both days at the Apple Tree Auction Center, 1625 West Church Street in Newark. There will be a public preview on May 3 from Noon – 5:00 PM at the same location, and private previews can be scheduled by calling 740-344-4282.

Nearly 2,400 lots will be up for bid during the two-day auction. Some lots include unique items including jewelry, stamps, trading cards and foreign currency.

Money collected from the auction will then be allocated to the safe deposit box owner’s account. Rightful owners of the deposit boxes will still be paid cash proceeds from the sale when they file an approved claim.

If you are interested in bidding on items, you can do so in person or online.

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