Have an idea on how to improve the water quality in your community? Share your idea with the Richland County Farm Bureau so it can apply for a water quality grant.

The Ohio Farm Bureau is offering $150,000 in county water quality grants as part of its comprehensive Water Quality Action Plan. In order to receive a grant, a local match contribution (cash or in-kind) to the project equal to at least 100 percent of the amount requested in OFBF funds must be arranged. At least 50 percent of the matching funds must come from project partners outside of Farm Bureau.

Grant applications are due April 14. Announcement of awards will be made by May 1.

Since the program’s inception in 2015, 27 county Farm Bureaus have partnered with 117 groups on 31 high-caliber programs ranging from a nutrient management mobile app to educational workshops to the purchase of a no-till drill for planting cover crops. Project partners include groups such as Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Ohio State University Extension, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and local park districts. In all, Ohio Farm Bureau has awarded $350,000 to county Farm Bureaus and garnered more than $550,000 in matching funds from outside groups.

The grant program was recently honored with American Farm Bureau’s prestigious New Horizon Award, which recognizes new and innovative state Farm Bureau programs. Contact the Richland County Farm Bureau to learn more.

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