By 1812Blockhouse
We recently unveiled this year’s edition of Richland Holiday Central, a listing of seasonal local events, Christmas music, and more.
This year we added a set of “Secret Santa Links,” which will take you to pages with holiday games, videos, puzzles, and more.
To access the links directly, just click on the large red dot that now appears on the front page of 1812Blockhouse on desk/laptop, tablet, or mobile.
One of these links provides a connection to the NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command), which has a great deal of information for families looking to see how Santa Claus is tracked each Christmas Eve. Then, on December 24 itself, the NORAD radar will be live on the site providing location updates.
Again, from the team at 1812Blockhouse, the merriest of Christmases to you and your family, and the happiest of new years!